Microsoft Fabric Updates Blog

Announcing GitHub integration for source control (Preview)

GitHub is the world’s largest source code host, with millions of developers using GitHub to store their code on millions of repositories.

Starting today, Fabric developers can easily choose GitHub as their source control tool, and version their Fabric items there. We are expanding our source control providers to include GitHub and GitHub Enterprise, so customers can now connect their workspace to sync directly from Fabric into their repositories.

Getting started with GitHub

Important – GitHub has a specific switch in the ‘Admin portal’ that needs to be turned ‘ON’ to enable GitHub. Please reach out to your Fabric admin and ask to open this switch or delegate the switch to the workspace or capacity level.

Beyond turning on the tenant switch in the ‘Admin portal’, there’s no automatic sign-in to GitHub, so if you want to sign in, you will need to provide a ‘Personal Access Token’ from your GitHub account. Once provided, you can create an account in Fabric to connect to GitHub.

You can create a single account for all your GitHub repos, or multiple accounts, each for a different repo. In each Workspace, you will work with GitHub using a specific account that has a ‘Personal Access Token’.

Learn more about getting started with GitHub.

Working with GitHub in Fabric

Beyond the different authentication required, working with GitHub will have a similar functionality that’s available today when working with git integration in Fabric:

  • Prompting users for changes in sync between the branch and the workspace.
  • Committing and updating using the ‘Source Control’ pane.
  • Branching out, switching branches or checking out.

Fabric Git APIs will become available in a few weeks for GitHub users as well.

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